Małgorzata Komorowska
Małgorzata Komorowska Małgorzata Komorowska Hygienist Dyplomowana higienista i asystentka stomatologiczna. Wykonuje samodzielnie zabiegi higienizacji tj. skaling czy piaskowanie, przeprowadza również instruktaż higieny jamy ustnej. Pomaga przy pracy lekarza dentysty, asystując przy wszelkich zabiegach stomatologicznych. Wspiera zwłaszcza małych pacjentów podczas pierwszych wizyt. Uśmiechem i miłym usposobieniem pokazuje, że wizyty u stomatologa nie należy się bać. Chętnie…
Read MoreMałgorzata Dusińska
Małgorzata Dusińska Małgorzata Dusińska Hygienist A certified hygienist and dental assistant. She works together with a dental practitioner during dental practices. She can perform hygienisation procedures, such as scaling or sandblasting. Her tasks include preparing the office for the procedure, cleaning the tools and the procedure room. The work of dental hygienist is her passion,…
Read MoreAnna Kiziukiewicz
Anna Kiziukiewicz Anna Kiziukiewicz Dentist, Endodontics Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Pomeranian Medical University. She performs microscope-assisted root canal procedures, conservative dental procedures, aesthetic dental procedures, prosthodontic procedures and dental macrophotography. Her qualifications are constantly improved due to participation in courses and conferences, as well as by following the newest trends and…
Read MoreAmanda Banaszczyk
Amanda Banaszczyk Amanda Banaszczyk Dentist Amanda Banaszczyk is an ambitious, young dental practitioner, who improves her professional qualifications regularly participating in many trainings, workshops and courses. She finds periodontology (treatment of the diseases of periodontium) and surgery the most interesting fields of dentistry. In her work she focuses on high quality and patient satisfaction. The…
Read MorePatrycja Dziuban
Patrycja Dziuban Patrycja Dziuban Dentist, Prosthetist Born on October 8, 1983 in Sanok, graduate of the Pomeranian Medical Academy, which she graduated in 2007 with honors. She participated in numerous workshops, trainings and conferences, mainly in the field of prosthetics, occlusion, temporomandibular joint disorders, implantoprosthetics and endodontics. The owner of the offices of Biała Szuflada…
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